Wed 12 Mar
🔥🔥254-350-4980🐳🐳Table shower🔥🔥 asia's best massage🐳🐳welcome to my service🔥🔥soft sweet amazing touch safe clea
(701 N 2nd St Killeen TX 76541)
Mon 27 Jan
☆★☆ Guaranteed 🌟✨To Have🌟 Everything You've✨ Been Missing✨Wanting💋💋and Desire 💦💧 ⭐⭐✨🌟�QV $40 - 24
(Copperas Cove, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
💜 💋🌸 Exotic 💜 💋 🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹↯INsANE CuRvEs A BaD GiRl FrEaKy kiNkY 👄 - [80Hh) -Real Pic - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, fort hood st incall/outcalls)
Finally made it in town -BUSTY BLOND BOMBSHELL- Ask about 2 girl SPECIAL - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILEEN - East Central Expressway)
◆ ———— E—L—i—T—E ► C—R—E—o—L—E◄ C—O—M—P—A —N—i—O—N ————◆ - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, E Central TX Exprwy)
Cali's Finest! ♋ !! ATTENTION !! NEW Japanese & Hawaiian Mixed Beauty! ♋ Cali's Finest! - 23
(█ █ KILLEEN █ █)
Catering to every desire & need... Fulfilling all fantasies & dreams!! Satisfaction guaranteed!!! - 30
(in or out, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
🍪Cookie🍪 and Cream ✨🌟One of the Baddest💋 Outgoing Calls Only!!! - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/ Outgoing)
~*BuTTer SofT CarMeL BeAuTy~***~ONE CALL AWAY*~ - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/Surrounding Areas)
B!g BoOt¥ (¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P (¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) K¡LL€R BOD¥ - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, In/Out)
Don't be Lonely Tonight!! Naughty& Nice!! FunSize Fantasy!! Everything To Your Liking!! - 34
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Yours or Mine)
Classy, Sassy, And Your Ultimate Fantasy... - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen and Copperas Cove)
☆EbONY☆ExOTiC ViXeN❤ PoPuLaR DeMaNd❤HiGHLy ADDiCtiNg ☆903*949*0980 - 29
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, harker heights)
80🔥🔥ExTrEmElY Hott ★ MuSt SeE!!!* ★ )) __💋★ StUnNiNg Beauty 🍀PLAYMATE🍀★ KINKY - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, near post !surrounding areas!!Out and In)
------> LEAVING SOON $pecials All Day >SeXy cHicK= } mOutHwaTeriNg CuRves { *S*K*I*L*L*S*** - 27
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Central Texas Expressway)
$99 INCALLS ... NEW *:©:* Gorgeous *:©:* Sweet *:©:* Classy *:© - 20
(My INcalls are at a very clean safe Killeen area Hotel)
60 specials nice sexy white girl ready to please - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen incalls only)
come watch me 〰💧💧🌊💦💦〰 !!! 👀 got that 💋👅👄👅💋 that will drive u crazy!!! - 29
(killeen 254-247-4163, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
🍑Benny🍑I'm Available for SHORT TIME Now📞254.693.0443📞Ask About My $ 60HH & $ 100H Incall Special - 25
(Killeen/Harker Heights/Copperas Cove, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
🍑Benny🍑ONLY WORKING IN KILLEEN NOT AUSTIN📞254.693.0443📞Ask About My 60HH & 100H Incall Special - 25
(Austin, Killeen/Harker Heights/Copperas Cove, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, South)
♥♡♥♡ $40qk Lets Have Some Funn!! $40qk ♥♡♥♡ Paige Palmer - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen incall)
40% (¯`'·. 52'' PHAT BOOTY¸. ·'´¯) NÐL§§ PÕ§§¡B¡L¡¡§ (¯`'·. ¸ FREAK-NASTY ·'´¯) F3tiSH.QUE3N 40% - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN/ 40DEALS)
Best lips for you 40 sloppy toppy only!!! - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen**INCALL** LAKE ROAD AREA)
100% _P R F C T_ ☆_C H O i C _ ☆_ 4U _ iF §H § GOoD ☆ iM BR !!! - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
100% Real. Satisfaction guaranteed😜 Specials tonight View my video and come play💦 - 21
(copperas cove/Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
¤¤ 60 hr ¤¤ ((Scrt SdUcTiOnS))) Oh So UnforgTTabL ((SpEcIaLs ALL DaY )) ** {{ 60 for hr}}** - 30
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
#1 Vixxen | Hazel Houston | Big Booty | Beautiful Live & AVAILABLE NOW !! - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
60 rose specials today only!!! sexy latin mami - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen/harker heights/copperas cove)
$$$50 B&G; $special---> ♡ Mouth watering curves & skills that will BL♥₩ youR miNd!! - 27
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, IN or OUT)
Immediate Openings, Top Pay, Busy Upscale Business, Female Owned, Looking for Attractive Women - 30
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Local and Surrounding Areas)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
•✿• Super Model Blonde•✿•Extremely Pretty Face.•✿•Petite and Curvy✿• Barbie - 24
(Austin, Austin & San Marcos Outcall only, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
💚Come Play!!!! BUSTY👅👀 N.A.U.G.H.T.Y⭐ £BoNey BABY DoLL K!NkY CuTe L👄Ps 📞NoW Sp£CiLs😚😘💖👄 - 19
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 190 N Trimmer)
**** R YOU READY 4 SOME HOT Sexy FUN **** CHRISSY * TIA * CREAM **** 3 Of The SEXest GIRLS - 18
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
Sexy, Seductive & Slender Brunette - Call Me Kenna - 23
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Austin/San Marcos/Kileen)
iTaLiAn FeMaLe * Before Work,Lunch, and After Work SPECIALS - 27
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen Area)
Sat 11 Jan
Ms.CREAM SEXY PETITE DIVA!!!!! ** WAYS TO HAVE FUN** 817 495 1083 - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN/TEMPLE)
(((SEXY BABE))) *PReTTy FaCe » BiGG TiTTieS » HuGe Azz* {{ Candy Treat }} *TREAT YOURSELF!* - - - - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, INCALLS TO HAVE FUN... OUTCALLS TOO...)
***NEW*** ~ Mary~ Exotic, Big Booty, Lip Biting Freak ready to satisfy you - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen, Harker Heights, Temple)
50$ 50 $ Ebony lovers___ WhAt ArE YoU WaItInG fOr... CoMe GeT Me ♡♥ 100 $ full hour - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, w.s young & 190 incalls/out calls)
°•⏬★⏬•° Its My Last Night! °•⏬★⏬•° Hawaiian/Puerto Rican/Chinese °•⏬★⏬•° Ready RIGHT NOW!! °•⏬★⏬•° - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 190 & Killeen INCALL)
🆕 Freaky MiX EbOny 💦at 👅Your🎥🍫 SerVicE🎥 🏪 🅱🅰🅱Y❗️😉AvAilaBle NoW🆙✌🏾️ - 24
(Central Texas, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Fri 10 Jan
^^^^ IM READY 2 PLAY ^^^^ SEXY EBONY PLAYMATE ^^^^ 817 495 1083 ^^^ - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN/ FT,HOOD ST.)
** U been trying the rest , now try the Best BBW PuertoRican ** - 40
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
Club has been dead!! I offer Full Body Rubz 1 No Charge SAMPLE BC I need Repeats (713) 714-6621 - 27
(Austin, My place or urs (713) 714-6621)
»-(¯`v´¯)-»* _SUPER SEXY »-(¯`v´¯)-» BlOnDe B0MBSHELL »-(¯`v´¯)-» SUPER SEXY - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Incalls/Outcalls hotel friendly)
Se×y√ Fl!rt = ° Santiago Beauty ° - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Ft. Hood/ Killeen Surrounding Area)
Thu 09 Jan