Sun 12 Jan
◕ ‿ ◕ °M °A °G °I °C °A °L °L °Y ° -:¦:- ◕ ‿ ◕ -:¦:- °D °E °L °I °C °I °O °U °S° ◕ ‿ ◕ - 18
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, lKilleen/Ft.Hood/Temple/HWY 190)
❤💙💚Miss Maria 💚❤💙Best mouth in the South 💛💙💚$50 special 💔❤💔 - 29
(Killeen (incall), Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Mizz. Mochadocious ***** Let¤~ Me•••• Finish¤¤¤¤ What**¤ Your*** Eyes..... Started;)' - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen/harker heights)
Morning Bliss COME have D3SS3RT B4 Lunch** Great REVIEWS* *Beautiful Classy Brunette - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, kileen/templeand surrounding areas)
Sat 11 Jan
::CALIFORNIA LOVING:: ...size limit please I don't like them" BIG" - 21
(Cove outcall to Killeen hh cove, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
***NEW*** Mary!!!!! Sexy, Exotic, Big Booty Blonde Babe - 27
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen, Harker Heights, Temple)
✅💚 OpEN MiNDeD ✅💚 SWeeT ✅💚PeTiTE✅💚REaDY ✅LeTS PLaY💚NeW ✅ cOMe pLAy - 21
(Killeen/ in and out calls, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Ms.CREAM SEXY PETITE DIVA!!!!! ** WAYS TO HAVE FUN** 817 495 1083 - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN/TEMPLE)
(((SEXY BABE))) *PReTTy FaCe » BiGG TiTTieS » HuGe Azz* {{ Candy Treat }} *TREAT YOURSELF!* - - - - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, INCALLS TO HAVE FUN... OUTCALLS TOO...)
❤ BBW BIG BOOTY SPECIAL ❤ 40$ qv, 50$hh BBW special.254-340-0554 - 24
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
-::- !!ExOtiC SeXY EbOnY!! WiTH (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) K i l l e r °C u r v e s° ° ( 1oO% R€aL) ✰ - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 190/jasper/forthood)
Gina is like HOT Coco when cold outside.. so call me and warm up and ask about my pleasent specials! - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen)
***NEW*** ~ Mary~ Exotic, Big Booty, Lip Biting Freak ready to satisfy you - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen, Harker Heights, Temple)
9**1♥5~~5 0••0~~0♡★6★51. ☆●○• nEw In tOwN LeXi bEauTifuL lAtInA ♥♡★★new pics!!! ☆●○• - - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Incall/outcall central)
▄▀ ❤ ▀▄ ❤ C o m e °•❤•° J o i n °•❤•°M e ❤ ▄▀▄▀ CALL NOW !! ❤ ▄▀▄ - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 190 & Ft. Hood St. InCalls ONLY !)
💋💣 New in ToWn 💋❤️ ExpLosIVe L👀ks 🌟 Exotic 5 Star Provider🌟👅 Small and Petite 💃 Good - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, in and outcalls killeen and surrounding)
💋❤Super Sexy hour glass figure! Thick Thighs,FAT Juicy Booty, RED HEAD, Super Sexy Cute Eye Candy!❤💋 - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, ❤💋Killeen°254~247~0774💋❤)
50$ 50 $ Ebony lovers___ WhAt ArE YoU WaItInG fOr... CoMe GeT Me ♡♥ 100 $ full hour - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, w.s young & 190 incalls/out calls)
Get ready for an experience u wont forget!! first ten callers get a deal!😘 - 29
(killeen 254-247-0774, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Naughty & Naked COMING SOON***Trixie***100% Real **Relaxation SPC**Massage included ***IN CALL*** - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Must Warn You, Something This Sweet & Stunning Can Be Very Addictive💋 - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
Sweet Seduction...50 DOLLAR ONE TIME SPECIAL...100% Tasty Dominican/Jamaican Melt In Your Mouth Joy - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
°•⏬★⏬•° Its My Last Night! °•⏬★⏬•° Hawaiian/Puerto Rican/Chinese °•⏬★⏬•° Ready RIGHT NOW!! °•⏬★⏬•° - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 190 & Killeen INCALL)
***NEW*** Sexy, Petite, Long legged, Bombshell Ashley - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen, Harker Heights, Temple)
~~> AlL NaTuRaL cuRveS)} 4shO MaKiN hEaDs TuRn{{}} CoMe ReLaX w/ Me & LeT's cLiMaX 2gEtHeR BabY:} - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Your place or mine??)
100% Pleasure, Hot, Sticky,Sweet,Incall Specials today!!!(254)781-9842 - 34
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Late Nite & Early Morning SPECIAL!!!!! Miss TIA Or Miss CREAM - 18
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
( 👸🐝N£W! )❄️❄️ 💯R£AL‼️👅🙊 £XTR£M£Ly SKiLL£D 🍌💦=====> 💗😈 Big booty BLoND£ BuNNy❄️❄️❄️🐰🎀
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 🌹🌹killeen incall only🌹🌹)
☆ 45 ★qv☆ Gone NoW!! ☆ early bird ★ Specials☆ Sexcii&FreAkii; ♡ ** ♥ JiGgLyBoOtY ♡ ♥ - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
eXoT I C ★Charming ★SEXXi Red back in town *~💋Ms.London Ka$h💋$$ - 28
(Central Texas Expressway, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
{}°Let's HaVe It uR wAy bAbY 2NiTe! I'm UR giRl - gOt WhAt U NeEd & KnOw WhAt U LiKe! - 28
(killeen/heights/belton/temple/cove, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen.190 & Ft. HOOD InCalls)
BBW BOUNCY BOOTY SPECIAL ❤ 40$ qv, 50$hh BBW special 254-340-0554 - 23
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
**★★💋Chocolate💋Sweet treat ★★** Take a trip to Paradise get the ride of your life! - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen,Tx)
▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄ BBW BIG BOOTY SPECIAL▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄ 50$ BBW special (254) 702-6121 - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen)
💄💄Curvy Slu.T Magical Mouth Mind B.L.O.W.I.N.G Skills 💄💄 - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Private Incall)
60 rose specials🔥NEW🔥 hot like FIYA👌 ONLY here 4 a limited time👠 - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen incalls only)
The perfect way to end your night baby 💦💦 call me - 23
(Killeen/FortHood/Temple, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
🆕 Freaky MiX EbOny 💦at 👅Your🎥🍫 SerVicE🎥 🏪 🅱🅰🅱Y❗️😉AvAilaBle NoW🆙✌🏾️ - 24
(Central Texas, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Beautiful Latina Next Door...... Highly Reviewed - 21
(Arboretum, Austin, Downtown, East, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, North, Round Rock, San Marcos, South, Waco)
YOUR GIRL SAMMIE!!!!! Sexy as always
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Where you need me yo be. Kalline area)
Attached Bi Sexual woman in need of sexual partner for long term play - 29
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
•°●■♤Seeking Financial Help Tonight•°●■♤ - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Outcall upscale homes and hotels)
😊🎁😍 Sugar Daddy Wanted 💕❤️ Older Gentleman ONLY ⏰ 45 & Older - 35
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, North Austin, South)
YuMmY TrEaT !! 2 GIRLS 【• N¡CE • T¡GHT 】❤SuPer FrieNdly !! IN & OUTCALLS - 29
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN SURROUNDING areas COVE)
Little Chocolate Booty *looking for NEW friends*!!!!!!!! - 25
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco)
Your Angel Dezire is back home `~ Heavens kiss by an Angel~`Not Childs Play`~ - 46
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/ HH /Cove)